Postpartum anestrous in bovinocultur




Anestrus, Reproduction, Nutrition, Health


For a herd to obtain maximum commercial productivity, the ideal is that each female is capable of producing one calf per year. Postpartum anestrus is one of the disturbances that contribute to the reduction of fertility rates in the cattle herd, resulting in a drop in productivity and profitability. Postpartum anestrus occurs between parturition and the onset of the first postpartum estrus and is characterized by the absence of heat manifestation. The duration of postpartum anestrus is influenced by lactation, calving season, and the concomitant presence of other disorders, such as infectious ones, which include brucellosis, enzootic bovine leukosis, leptospirosis, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), and diarrhea. Bovine virus (BVD). Furthermore, the nutritional and metabolic status of females may cease cyclicity. Herds monitored in reproductive, sanitary and nutritional aspects tend to be more productive and reach economically attractive zootechnical indexes, highlighting the need to start technical assistance registered within the livestock activity, in order to establish preventive managements to postpartum anestrus.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Vinicius Biazus de Amorim, Centro Universitário Dinâmica das Cataratas, UDC, PR, Brasil

Discente do Curso de Medicina Veterinária pelo Centro Universitário Dinâmica das Cataratas – UDC.

Caroline Pereira da Costa, Centro Universitário Dinâmica das Cataratas, UDC, PR, Brasil

Médica Veterinária pelo Centro Universitário Dinâmica das Cataratas, Foz do Iguaçu-PR. Mestre em Ciência Animal pelo programa de Reprodução Animal da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo-USP, São Paulo-SP. Atualmente, é docente no Centro Universitário Dinâmica das Cataratas.


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How to Cite

AMORIM, G. V. B. de; COSTA, C. P. da. Postpartum anestrous in bovinocultur. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 6, n. 13, p. 875–888, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8050708. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 may. 2024.